Stefan Bunbury
Create a visual piece OR a soundscape in response to the prompt, “If someone were to step into your soul right now, what would they see/hear?”
Create a flyer/poster advertising our unconventional online installation that could be shared with someone, such as a family member, friends, or a community member like your local bodega or leaving it in your building lobby. The installation title is: “If someone were to step into your soul…”
Write a creative story responding to the prompt: “If someone were to step into your soul right now, what’s the story?” It can be fiction or nonfiction.
There was once a wise man that once stated that, ‘If someone were to step into his soul right now they may be confused as he constantly thinks about different things on a daily basis as well as directs his energy to a wide range of ideas’. As humans he believed that we all individually have our own thoughts, ideas, and personal beliefs that make up our soul. Although many people were confused by this concept he stuck to it and began to explain it all across the land. Due to the fact that he constantly thought about (family, love, money, and nature), and almost always directed his energy towards what brought him joy he said to the town that these are what made up who he was as a person. Similarly, if a person has negative thoughts and energy that is what will make up that person’s being (soul). He further began to explain how no two souls are the same and cannot be compared because we don’t all share the same thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. The concepts that this man developed were explained for years before anyone truly believed him.