Stefan Bunbury
Something impossible
Something for everyone
Something magical
What does the Armory smell like?
The most beautiful words you’ve ever heard
Stefan’s Crazy Caramel Concoction
What you’ll need
Plastic Cups
(1 scoop) Häagen-Dazs (Caramel Cone Flavored Ice Cream)
(1 bar) Toblerone chocolate
(1 Diced) Bananas
(5) Caramel wafers
(3) Mini Donuts
Crumbs Topping
(8) Walnuts
(4) Chopped Pecans
(1/8 cup) Condensed Milk
Whipped cream
The, ‘Crazy Caramel Concoction’, is a dessert that was specifically designed for those that constantly have a sweet tooth. Through its repetitive caramel flavor addition of walnuts, bananas and nutmeg it will definitely fill all of your desires. Whether served indoors at a party or outdoors at a reunion, this is a true showstopper that will keep your guests craving more instantly.
Music you’re listening to
What is the sky trying to tell us?
As we gaze at the distant sky on a daily basis
Shapes, lines, and birds all align,
Though everyday varies
One thing is truly clear
Through every tornado, storm, and rainfall
Awaits a bright and sunny new day
Be patient, your time will come eventually
No matter what weather you’re currently experiencing
Everything will work out just fine…… trust me.
Your friends
Those closest to me
Often inspire me daily
and on my worst days