Shai Barrett
Something appealing
Music you're listening to
Image that inspired the portrait
Movies you've watched
Something for everyone
During these times, especially during the COVID-19 it has affected my perspective for the worst and for the better, this pandemic has showed me that everyone should take the importance of saving money more serious. Now a day people live check to check and it is extremely important to have a savings account, more so of a back up plan, as most would call it a “plan b”. Whether you are in college or even an adult with a full time job, it is extremely important to have something to fall on. Also mental health is important.
Being in the house everyday can be overwhelming, waking up and doing having the same routine can be mind bothering. However, staying in the right mental space is what matters, staying positive and having faith that things will get better. This is why everyone should stay productive with working out, cooking new veggie meals and much more. Lastly, it isn’t a major topic that should be publicized more, the importance of family. We work religiously and sometime lose focus for the people we work so hard for. This pandemic should allow for more family time, friend time, self-reflection and more time to bond and gt to know each other more.
Write a haiku poem about your friends
All seas share water
Wat would I do without them
What is mine is yours
Write a nonfictional reflection on what would you give the person who has everything
What can you give a person who has everything? Speaking truthfully, a person who has everything doesn’t need much. However, one thing you can always give a person more of is love and care. Despite having everything, it is imperative that love and kindness is always given to people you may just meet or the people you’ve known for years. Everyone needs love and caring energy around them. In order to have “everything” you need to be around the right people who give off love and good vibes. Lastly if it was up t me, I would show different forms of love to a person who has everything. Constantly having great energy and good vibes.
Something you’re curious about
To describe a meal of something I was always curious about, I will take the time to describe the first time I’ve ever cooked and ate eggplants. Walking into the kitchen I wasn’t sure how to make this meal, however I decided to take a break from meat so I wanted to have eggplant as a meat substitution. So I attempted to pan fry the eggplant. (here is what I did)
Cut up onions mushrooms and tomatoes
Cut the eggplant horizontally into little cubes, cut off the edges (the outer parts)
Get a small bowl to mix seasonings
Add - salon, pepper, garlic, minced onions and parsley
Cut up some fresh basil and dd it into the bowl with the seasoning.
Add olive oil to the pan with low fire and add all the desires the seasons and cook until.
What happens at 13 o’clock?
If there was a 13 o’clock, people would lose a sense of time, people would be confused and need a little more clarity. However, at this time the world is pitch black to give the universe a break. If there was a 13 o’clock, it could possibly be used s a way to heal the earth to prevent an increase in global warming. Despite the confusion of people losing track of time it would still be beneficial towards the earth itself. With all the global issues going on in today’s day and age, the earth could use a break or restoring and coming back to its normal self.