Jessica Ubah
Carrie Mae Weems tells photographic stories that often use herself as a central character. Create a story you want to tell about yourself by sketching out this storyboard.
Carrie Mae Weems’ work often explores cultural identity. Write the story of your personal culture- where are you from and what are the cultures that make you you?
Culture is a way in which people are able to express their beliefs and norms. I would proudly say Nigeria has one of the best cultures in west Africa. We have one of the best weddings and our food tastes so good. We have about hundred different tribes and languages in Nigeria but the three main parts are Yoruba , igbo and Hausa .. Now the most exciting thing is I come from two different tribes which are yoruba and igbo. In each tribe they have different states. I speak mainly English and Yoruba but I understand a little bit of igbo. Nigeria culture is very interesting and versatile and I am still learning more about it.
Juliana Huxtable celebrates her body. It is a focus in much of her work. Find a light source in your space: a window, a flashlight, a lamp. Move your body in and out of the light. Play with speed and pauses. Create moments to stay in the lightened moments to be in the shadows. What do you want to celebrate, reveal, or hide?