Chole Miller
Go to that same favorite spot. Use the chalk to create a shape that people can step into and listen/see/smell/taste/feel their surroundings. (Be sure to use the chalk appropriately in a spot where it can wash off and make sure your artwork is appropriate for anyone of all ages to see.)
Create a visual art map of how to get to your favorite spot. Be as realistic or abstract as you’d like. You could note the senses in your map, include your perspective on why it’s your favorite, and design it in any way you like.
Explore your neighborhood and find a local work of art. This could be street art, a mural, architecture, or a performer you see on a walk. Create a visual abstraction (=something not realistic) inspired by the piece.
Temporarily install either your visual artwork or your soundscape near the local work of art you found. You can do this either in person OR at home. Take a photo or video of the piece: you might perform your soundscape live and record that, hold your visual artwork up or place it near the local artwork.
Create a soundscape inspired by the local work of art you found using your synthesizer or kalimba, or other found/created sounds (inside or near the work of art!) if you like.