Anamaria Jovel
Write a creative story responding to the prompt: “If someone were to step into your soul right now, what’s the story?” It can be fiction or nonfiction.
Create a visual piece OR a soundscape in response to the prompt, “If someone were to step into your soul right now, what would they see/hear?”
Go to that same favorite spot. Use the chalk to create a shape that people can step into and listen/see/smell/taste/feel their surroundings. (Be sure to use the chalk appropriately in a spot where it can wash off and make sure your artwork is appropriate for anyone of all ages to see.) Send in a photo of the chalk art you made in your neighborhood spot.
Explore your neighborhood and find a local work of art. This could be street art, a mural, architecture, or a performer you see on a walk. Create a visual abstraction (=something not realistic) inspired by the piece.
Inspired by Juliana Huxtable, “Speak your truth!” Brainstorm at least 10 words that you identify with. These could be specific alignments such as queerness, being a person of color, your culture, your values; or they could be more abstract words that represent your mood, hopes, dreams, or past. Write these words in your sketchbook in lettering styles, fonts, and colors that represent the feeling of the word to you.
Create a poster or zine speaking your truth. Choose one, two, or three of the words you brainstormed and expand on it in a zine or poster. Your poster could be sketches, drawings, all text, or even a collage. Be sure you make it in your sketchbook.